And of course I tested each extension worked as I added it and configured it. The worst part was going through and changing all the privacy tweaks, but I had over the course of the last year or so compiled a list of them in Scrapbook X – you know, all those about:config changes like beacons, hello, pocket, reader, urls for updates, yada yada. Anyway, grabbed a clean portable FF, added all the extensions – 68 of them – migrated over all saved passwords, greasemonkey scripts, user styles, noscript setttings, add to search, FVD Speeddial, adblock plus settings etc, and a ton of other stuff like saved icons etc – most are easy as you can simply copy over select files such as permissions.sqlite, places.sqlite, stylish.sqlite (or folders such as “FVD Toolbar”, “gm_scripts” etrc) – or you can export and import them (bookmarks, requestpolicy, foxclocks etc – or you can copypasta the settings/whitelists from about:config (eg UAControl, RefControl). The last update, something broke, and every single icon under customize was gone, plus a couple of other annoying minor things. My FF portable was 3 1/2 years old – that’s a lot of updates, tweaks, fiddling under the hood. Nothing in %appdata%/google etc, nothing in temp Now You: How big is your FileSystem storage folder?Ĭhrome portable (from portable apps) with about 8 extensions (its one of my less restrictive backup spare browsers for various sites and one off visits) – total folder size 285Mb – no FileSystem file that I can find. You do get options however to clear the stored data using the extension. While it may reveal additional information about the files, it won't reveal file names as well. Its biggest drawback is that it works only on the site you are on meaning that you need to know which site dropped files on your system to investigate the matter. Browse these to find out more about the files stored by the service on your local system.Īnother option is provided by the Chrome extension HTML5 FileSystem Explorer.