What the book also is, and what many readers have complained about, is a marketing medium to promote other products, as we'll discuss in a bit. Treatments are covered on everything from Lyme's disease and the flu, to treating dementia and Alzheimer's, foods you can eat to help with diabetes and foods you should avoid, and even natural treatments that have been proven to help get rid of cancer. Claim: There is a proven natural cure for cancer called sour honey, but pharmaceutical companies and politicians are trying to keep it under wraps for financial gain. With a length of 575 pages and 10 different parts, you can imagine there is a heck of a lot of varying content here.

It is geared towards a senior audience and covers alternative health treatments and cures for conditions & ailments that come with aging. Miracles From THE VAULT is a 575 page book from the Health Sciences Institute that is a compilation of 18 years worth of investigative medical research, and covers all sorts of health conditions.